ITFAQ:Main Page


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You may need to login to the Inside wiki to view some of the following pages. It may be helpful to check the "Remember my login on this computer" box. Once logged in you'll also be able to comment on any of the support pages via the discussion link to that articles talk page. You can ask additional questions or suggest changes that you think might help.


How do I get help when things don't work?

The easiest way is to simply send an email ticket to helpdesk (see below). This will automatically generate a Ticket in our HelpDesk system. Please be as specific as you can when submitting tickets so that we can troubleshoot your problem as effectively as possible. If you want to see the status of any open tickets that you have, or to enter a ticket manually, please go to .

Changing your password

If you would like to reset your main DigiPen password you can simply press ctrl+alt+del while logged in to a workstation and choose the change password button. If you cannot log in because you cannot remember your password please come into the IT office or use the Password Reset form.

If you are trying to change your SRS password you will need to come into the main office.

Choosing a Password

Good passwords are:

  • Easy to remember.
  • Difficult to guess.

Contrary to popular belief good passwords are not "at least eight characters of mixed-case letters and numbers". The XKCD comic on Password Strength illustrates this nicely. Although there is some debate on how strong this kind of password is in practice, there can be no doubt that they are stronger than using "password", "god" or other common keys.

Good pass-word and pass-phrase generators:

Honorable Mention, easier to remember but less secure than the above:

Add an intentional miss-spelling, capitalization, or number for extra strength.

Creating your Student Account

Your Student Account gives you access to a range of computer and IT resources, including your student email account, online coursework tools, and the ability to use the computer workstations on campus. It consists of a username and password that you choose. To create your Student Account:

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your SRS ID and the email address you used to apply to DigiPen.
  3. Choose your username from a list of available options.
  4. You will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter with your username and a temporary password.
  5. Change your password by visiting

Keep your Student Account login information safe and secure. You will use this account your entire time at DigiPen.

PRO-TIP: Don’t worry about your DigiPen email account just yet. We will activate it for you at New Student Orientation.

ProjectFun Help

Installation help for ProjectFun can be found here: ProjectFun Editor Download

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